Layher SpeedyScaf

Layher SpeedyScaf frame scaffolding is leading on the market for decades. Only with a few basic elements and simple manual operations this system rapidly provides a secure base for any kind of work. Layher SpeedyScaf is a modern frame system based on 5 main short and light elements. Scaffolds are erected via inserting frames into one another without clamps or special tools. Assembly can be done even by inexperienced workers.

These extremely quick to combine, reliable and rigid constructions are fit for any requirements. Thanks to its versatile and well thought-out parts range, SpeedyScaf system can be successfully used for mounting facade scaffolds on construction sites, for scaffolding large flat areas (cargo ship holds, etc.)

Additional SpeedyScaf elements (cantilevers, transoms, handrails, steel and wooden decks, etc.) are always in stock in our storage. They allow conducting both horizontal and vertical works.

Layher scaffolding decks serve as working deck and scaffolding stiffening at the same time and they are always the safest working platforms. Layher standard assembly can be assembled on the site or on surface beforehand for further transportation and mounting. Only one connecting hook is needed for fastening. Standard components, listed in Layher Allround section can be used for SpeedScaf system.



Benefits of Layher SpeedyScaf frame scaffolding
Efficiency & precision - rapid and easy-to-understand, bolt-free assembly
- ease of use
Versatility - compatibility with other Layher products
- wide usage
Comprehensive range of parts different scaffolding widths, hot-dip galvanized steel or lightweight aluminium
Safety and reliability Able to cope with almost every requirement

Catalogues available to download:
1/ EN_Speedy_Catalogue.pdf (6,67 Mb)