Cultural events

Cultural events
Winter attraction Gorka in the Shelest Country Complex, Vyshhorod
Winter attraction Gorka in the Shelest Country Complex, Vyshhorod
The winter attraction "Gorka" is installed in the country complex Shelest. Specialists of the Bita music company developed a project of static and wind loads for the safe operation of this facility, and also installed the "Gorka" attraction.
 03.12.2021  Vyshgorod
Cultural events
New Years show Waterland, IEC, Kiev
New Years show Waterland, IEC, Kiev
From December 25, 2019 to January 5, 2020, the unique Waterland New Year's show was held at the International Exhibition Center. Bita Music installed spectator stands with a total capacity of 1,600 seats. The Layher Allround scaffolding system was used to implement the project, and a static load design was also developed.
 25.12.2019  IEC, Kiev
Cultural events
New Years Eve, Bucha
New Years Eve, Bucha
New Year's festive concert program and congratulations from the mayor of the city of Bucha - Anatoly Fedoruk on the main square of the city.Bita music company provided comprehensive technical support for this event. An 8x6 m Layher stage structure was installed, sound and lighting equipment was provided according to the rider of the artists, as well as a large LED screen at the back of the stage.
 01.01.2019   Bucha
Cultural events
Festive concert and official congratulations in honor of the City Day, Bucha
Festive concert and official congratulations in honor of the City Day, Bucha
On September 15 and 16, celebrations dedicated to the City Day were held in the city of Bucha. Bita music acted as the general technical contractor and provided a full range of avl services for the organizers of the celebration.
 15.09.2018   Bucha
Cultural events
Celebration of the 100th Independence of Georgia, Trinity Square, Kyiv
Celebration of the 100th Independence of Georgia, Trinity Square, Kyiv
On June 2 and 3, a large-scale event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Georgia's Independence was held in the very center of the capital on Trinity Square. Bita music was chosen as the technical partner of this event, having installed a large Layher stage, as well as providing all the necessary technical equipment: a sound system, including the main portal system and backline, lighting equipment, two large LED screens with video broadcasting.
 02.06.2018  Trinity Square, Kyiv
Cultural events
Winter attraction Gorka, Bucha
Winter attraction Gorka, Bucha
From December 15, 2017 to January 30, 2018 in the city of Bucha, Kyiv region, the stage department of the Bita music company installed the winter attraction "Gorka". 
 15.12.2017  г. Буча